Case Studies

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” - Mahatma Gandhi

“aTyr Pharmaceuticals Webinar” hosted by Peter Villiger and Eileen Sun (aTyr), in partnership with Athena
Webinars Jose Dos Santos Webinars Jose Dos Santos

“aTyr Pharmaceuticals Webinar” hosted by Peter Villiger and Eileen Sun (aTyr), in partnership with Athena

Students learned about aTyr Pharmaceuticals and their use of innovative tRNA synthetase biology for new fibrosis and inflammation therapies. Students were introduced to Scientella's upcoming aTyr Student Consulting Project called "Pharma Companion Apps: Therapeutic Benefits and Scientific Dissemination" set to investigate the pulmonary sarcoidosis patient journey, explore how companion apps accompany a drug to improve the therapeutic experience, and the importance of proper scientific dissemination.

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